Earlier this week, we filed our sixth complaint on behalf of student athletes who were sexually abused and discriminated against by their softball coach, Kurt Ludwigsen and Nyack College. Commenting on this most recent Title IX complaint, the New York Daily News reported: “The sicko accused of sexually abusing his players is also a raging homophobe – going so far as to out a lesbian student, a new federal lawsuit says.” A copy of the December 11, 2015 New York Daily News article is available here.
In addition to prior allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment, the latest complaint alleges that Coach Ludwigsen discriminated against a gay softball player, and got angry with her when she did not tell him that she was gay.
The complaint alleges that Coach Ludwigsen asked “if there were any ‘Lady Gagas’ on the team.” When the student indicated that she did not know what Coach Ludwigson meant, he made clear that by “Lady Gagas,” he was referring to lesbians.
In addition, the latest complaint alleges unlawful retaliation, when Coach Ludwigsen’s replacement conveyed the threat of Nyack College’s Athletic Director, Keith Davie, that any member of the softball team who sued Nyack College would be thrown off the team. A copy of the complaint is available here.