Intraocular lens surgery does not take long to perform. It involves replacing the eye’s natural crystalline lens with an advanced biocompatible substitute. This surgery offers those suffering from cataracts and refractive error the possibility of functional vision.

In most cases, intraocular lens surgery can be performed in less than an hour. During this outpatient procedure, the ophthalmologist will remove the eye’s natural lens that was affected by the cataract or the presbyopia. Once the eye’s natural lens is removed, the surgeon will implant the intraocular lens. Most intraocular lens surgery involves the surgeon placing the lens implant in the eye through a small, self-healing incision. The surgeon will fold the intraocular lens implant to properly fit it through the cut. Once in the eye, the lens opens up to its permanent position.

The recovery time for intraocular lens surgery is relatively short. In most circumstances, patients will be asked to return for a follow-up visit within 24 hours of receiving the intraocular lens implant. Patients are usually able to resume normal activities including light work, watching television and reading within a day of the surgery. However, any type of work that may increase blood pressure or put pressure on the eye is discouraged. Patients are also given shields to wear over their eyes so they do not accidentally or inadvertently rub their eyes.

The most common risks and complications associated with intraocular lens surgery include:

(1) Infection.
(2) Loosening of the lens.
(3) Lens rotation.
(4) Inflammation.
(5) Nighttime halos.
(6) Corneal edema or swelling. Patients who have had prior intraocular lens surgery are at high risk of corneal edema.
(7) Increased intraocular pressure.
(8) Wound leaks can lead to serious complications if they do not receive prompt, proper treatment because the interior of the eye becomes exposed to infectious agents.

Surgical complications include:

(1) Risk of “intraocular lens decentration” soon after surgery if the surgeon does not place the lens properly or if the patient’s eye fails to hold the lens in place.
(2) Misdiagnosis the power of the intraocular lens. Cataract patients who have a history of refractive surgery are at a greater risk of such power miscalculation.
(3) Retinal detachment.

Any type of eye surgery, even the most common kind, can include serious complications such as loss of vision, blurred vision, glare or dry eye syndrome. If you believe that medical negligence or misdiagnosis caused your injury, please contact nationally recognized LASIK malpractice attorney Todd J. Krouner at (914) 238-5800 or for a free consultation and evaluation of your claim.