Category: Medical Malpractice

What Is Medical Malpractice? How to Know If You Are a Victim

What Is Medical Malpractice? If a doctor, nurse or other health care provider commits a negligent act that causes injury to the patient, then he or she can be charged […]

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What is a medical malpractice record review?

Bringing a medical malpractice case against any physician or healthcare professional has always been a difficult task. Working with a New York medical malpractice attorney patients know and trust is […]

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Doctors Continue Arguing Against LASIK

Wednesday December 28, 2011 The Laser Surgery Battle Begins We’ve always promised to give you updates on our stories whenever they come about. Awhile back, we wrote an Undercoverarticle about the […]

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Dr. Owczarek Sued For LASIK Surgery Malpractice

PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thomas Baird v. Frank R. Owczarek, M.D. and Eye Care of Delaware, LLC In the Superior Court of the State ofDelaware, Case No. N11C-09-241 […]

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TLC’s Improper LASIK Patient Screening and Bankrupt Business Model

March 18, 2010 In 2005, I obtained a LASIK malpractice verdict against Mark Speaker, M.D., who was Medical Director of TLC in New York. Since that time, I believed that this LASIK […]

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Informed Consent

February 8, 2010 As a New York LASIK malpractice attorney, frequently, LASIK patients contact me and complain that they have suffered complications from their surgery. They quickly add that they fear that […]

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The statute of limitations refers to the period within which you must start a lawsuit.  If you fail to act in timely fashion, a court will dismiss your lawsuit, no […]

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FDA To Study LASIK Patient Satisfaction

What is the true complication rate for LASIK surgery? Who knows?  Last summer, in the New York Law Journal, I reported that depending on the source it varies from 1% […]

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Letter to the New York Times Regarding Doctor Medical Malpractice Exemption

June 15, 2009 Letters to the Editor The New York Times 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Re:    Obama Open To Reining In Medical Suits: Bargaining Chip Seen in […]

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New York – Not So Tough on Doctors?

A new report by the New York Office of Professional Medical Conduct suggests what New York medical malpractice attorneys have known for year – that New York is punishing fewer doctors than […]

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