Jacob Smith v. Amar Atwal, M.D., Jay S. Zimmerman, O.D., Amar Atwal, M.D., P.C., Atwal Eye Care and Buffalo Eye Care
In the Supreme Court of Erie County, State of New York, Case No. 813469/2015
On November 20, 2015, Jacob Smith filed a complaint against Amar Atwal, M.D., Jay S. Zimmerman, O.D., Amar Atwal, M.D., P.C., Atwal Eye Care and Buffalo Eye Care, in the Supreme Court of Erie County, State of New York, for medical malpractice arising from the performance of elective LASIK eye surgery, which the patient never should have had because of pre-existing corneal disease.
The complaint states that on May 30, 2013, Dr. Atwal performed elective LASIK eye surgery on both of Mr. Smith’s eyes. The complaint alleges that Dr. Atwal and Dr. Zimmerman, the optometrist, both screened Mr. Smith for, and recommended the elective LASIK eye surgery. The complaint further alleges that Drs. Atwal and Zimmerman failed to recognize signs of corneal disease known as form fruste keratoconus, for which elective LASIK eye surgery is contraindicated. As a result, Mr. Smith developed post-LASIK ectasia.
The complaint also alleges that to treat the post-LASIK ectasia, Mr. Smith is scheduled to undergo collagen cross linking surgery (“CXL”), in the hope of preserving whatever vision remains in his eyes. CXL is an experimental surgical procedure, which is not currently approved for use in the United States by the United States Food and Drug Administration. If the CXL experimental procedure is not effective in saving Mr. Smith’s vision, he may have to undergo further vision-threatening cornea transplant surgery.
The complaint states that generally, individuals who are diagnosed with post-LASIK ectasia suffer from a host of problems related to diminished visual acuity and diminished quality of vision, including, without limitation, halos, blurry vision, glare, ghosting, starbursts, double vision, light sensitivity, contrast sensitivity, loss of depth perception, difficulty driving, especially at night, headaches, dry eyes and foreign body sensation.
Mr. Smith is represented by the Law Office of Todd J. Krouner in Chappaqua, New York. Mr. Krouner represents victims of LASIK surgery throughout the United States.
A copy of the complaint is available here. For further information, please contact Todd J. Krouner, Esq., at (914) 238-5800.