Earlier this month, Tsai Jui-Fang, M.D., the ophthalmologist who had introduced LASIK surgery to Taiwan approximately 20 years ago, quit the procedure because of safety concerns. Related Chinese medical device stocks reportedly dropped 4% the following day.
Dr. Tsai reported that some of his patients experienced serious eyesight deterioration for unknown reasons around 10 years after surgery. He suspects that the problem may have been caused by chronic postoperative inflammation underneath the corneal flap.
In response, the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan maintains that LASIK surgery is a low-risk procedure, with a complication rate less than 0.1 percent. That number is not credible.
In the United States, Morris Waxler, who approved the surgical lasers for LASIK when he worked at the FDA in the 1990’s, has petitioned the FDA for a moratorium on LASIK surgery. Dr. Waxler says, “If I knew then, what I know now, I never would have recommended approval of these lasers.”
In 2008, the FDA held hearings on LASIK safety. Four years later, we continue to await its report on LASIK safety.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a doctor, you should promptly contact an attorney with experience in medical malpractice. The Law Office of Todd J. Krouner has a proven track record of helping patients injured by LASIK (and other forms of medical malpractice) all over the country. To determine if you have a strong case, contact us for a free consultation at (914) 238-5800.