Nathaniel Chapman and Princess “Shelli” Chapman vs.
Wilson Horsley, M.D., HorsleyEyeCenter, P.C., and Clear Vision Eye Center, Inc.
United State District Court, District of Massachusetts
Case # 1:09-cv-10325-JGD
DR. WILSON HORSLEY SUED FOR LASIK MALPRACTICE – On March 4, 2009, plaintiff, Nathaniel Chapman, filed suit against Wilson Horsley, M.D., Horsley Eye Center, P.C., and Clear Vision Eye Center, Inc., in the United State District Court, District of Massachusetts, for performing LASIK surgery on Mr. Chapman. Mr. Chapman is a 36-year-old army trained respiratory therapist, who resides in New Braunfels, Texas. On March 22, 2002, Mr. Chapman came under the care and treatment of Dr. Horsley for the purpose of having LASIK surgery on both eyes at the Horsley Eye Center, P.C., and Clear Vision Eye Center, Inc. Despite signs of Mr. Chapman’s pre-existing corneal condition, Dr. Horsley performed LASIK surgery. To compound Dr. Horsley’s error, on April 14, 2006, Dr. Horsley performed a second corrective LASIK procedure, euphemistically referred to as an Aenhancement@, on Mr. both of Mr. Chapman’s eyes at Horsley Eye Center, P.C., and Clear Vision Eye Center, Inc. As a result, Mr. Chapman developed post-LASIK ectasia. Consequently, Mr. Chapman’s vision has suffered severely, and he faces a possible corneal transplant.
The complaint alleges, among other things, that Dr. Horsley was negligent in failing to determine that Mr. Chapman was not a suitable candidate for LASIK eye surgery and in performing LASIK eye surgery on Mr. Chapman when said procedure was contraindicated.
The plaintiffs are represented by Todd J. Krouner, from Chappaqua, New York, and Jeffrey N. Catalano of Todd & Weld, LLP, from Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Krouner represents victims of LASIK surgery throughout the United States. Mr. Catalano has extensive experience in litigating medical malpractice actions.
A copy of plaintiffs’ complaint is available at For further information, please contact Todd J. Krouner, Esq., at (914) 238-5800, or Jeffrey N. Catalano, Esq., at (617) 720-2626.
View Complaint: Nathaniel Chapman vs. Wilson Horsley, M.D.