The Super Bowl – – LASIK – – And Professional Athletes

Roman Harper is a safety for the Carolina Panthers.  In the NFC Championship game, a headshot left him temporarily blind in one eye, with his corneal flap from LASIK surgery dangling unhinged. He says his LASIK flap has been re-attached and he will be ready to play in the Super Bowl. Click here to read SB Nation’s article about the incident.

Mr. Harper is fortunate.  His experience serves a reminder that the corneal flap cut in LASIK never fully heals.  I ask victims of LASIK surgery what motivated them to assume the undisclosed 50% probability of dry eyes, diminished night vision, or light phenomenon like glare and halos.  Many say that they wanted LASIK to be free of glasses or contact lenses for sports activities.   But LASIK is contraindicated for head blows.  Boxers should not have LASIK.  Mr. Harper’s experience reminds us that LASIK is not a good idea for football players.  The same is probably true for soccer, rugby and hockey players, among others.

One last warning.  We rarely hear about bad LASIK outcomes for professional athletes (other than Mr. Harper’s).  It is not that they do not exist. Rather, professional athletes cannot complain. We know that from the NFL’s concussion experience.  First, players want to play.  Second, they do not want to risk their lucrative contracts by complaining about blurry vision or the glare and halos coming off of the bright stadium lights.

Whether you are an amateur or professional athlete, take note of Roman Harper’s vision threatening experience.  Think twice before trading contact lens for LASIK surgery.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a doctor, you should promptly contact an attorney with experience in medical malpractice.  The Law Office of Todd J. Krouner has a proven track record of helping patients injured by eye doctors (and other forms of medical malpractice) all over the country.  To determine if you have a strong case, contact us for a free consultation at (914) 238-5800.

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