Cell Phone Related Accidents

NY Accident Attorneys

Studies have suggested that drivers who use cell phones are as dangerous as drunk drivers. On November 1, 2009, New York State outlawed all drivers from using cell phones and other portable electronic devices while driving. This includes a prohibition on texting and non-hands-free cell phone use, except while calling 911 or other emergency personnel. Unfortunately, this law has not prevented thousands of cell phone related car accidents from occurring each year.

Using a cell phone while driving is extremely dangerous because looking away from the road for even as short as a second can more than double the chance of a crash. Distracted driving puts the driver, their passengers, and other drivers at risk. When you factor in inclement weather conditions, a construction zone, heavy traffic, or another variable to the equation, it can be even more dangerous. Driving while distracted may result in broken bones, totaled cars, long-term disability or death.

Furthermore, there may be a criminal component, as well as a civil one, regarding the destruction of property and the medical costs incurred in the crash. Unfortunately, insurance companies often overlook the rights and responsibilities of drivers involved in cell phone crashes, by glossing over the issue with hasty payouts or denial of payment. This can cause long-term financial and emotional ramifications for victims, who often face lost wages and skyrocketing medical bills as the result of a cell phone related accident.

Once you seek the appropriate medical attention after a cell phone related accident, it is recommended you seek out a New York car accident lawyer who understands the cell phone laws and the other intricacies of New York’s court system. You deserve an attorney who knows how to thoroughly investigate the accident and construct a legal case that takes your best interests into consideration. When seeking an attorney, look for someone who is well-respected and has a concrete track record, in both auto accidents and cell phone related crashes.

The Law Office of Todd J. Krouner, P.C. is known for our thorough understanding of the law, their dedication to their personal injury clients, and their savvy, aggressive approach to personal injury litigation. We have the resources and knowledge it takes to get you the compensation you deserve, but we cannot help you if you do not reach out.

Please contact us at (914) 238-5800 or info@krounerlaw.com about your potential cell phone related accident claim. Our case consultation is one hundred percent confidential and completely free of charge.