Former Nyack College Softball Coach, Kurt Ludwigsen, Admits That He Subjected His Victims To Sexual Assault By Threatening Their Valuable Athletic Scholarships


 Does v. Kurt Ludwigsen, in his individual capacity; Kirsten Lambertson, in her individual capacity; Michael G. Scales, individually and as President of Nyack College; David C. Jennings, individually and as Executive Vice President of Nyack College; Keith Davie, individually and as Athletic Director for Nyack College; Amanda Aikens, individually and as Assistant Athletic Director for Nyack College; and Nyack College

In the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (White Plains, NY)

Former Nyack College Softball Coach, Kurt Ludwigsen, Admits That He Subjected His Victims To Sexual Assault By Threatening Their Valuable Athletic Scholarships

 Kurt Ludwigsen, the former Nyack College softball coach, pleaded guilty today to seven counts of felony coercion, in connection with his sexual assault of his former team members. Previously, in connection with his prior conviction for sexual assault, Ludwigsen had admitted in open Court that he had unwanted sexual contact with his players to degrade them and for his sexual pleasure. In a strange turn, the prior sexual assault conviction was vacated on June 29, 2016.

In pleading guilty to felony coercion today, Ludwigsen was required to repeat his confession to the sexual assaults because of his subsequent attempts to deny responsibility.  Ludwigsen admitted further that he had coerced his victims by having threatened to revoke their valuable softball scholarships with Nyack College, which he controlled.

Ludwigsen was re-sentenced to five years of probation by Judge William A. Kelly in the Rockland County Justice Court, in New City, New York.

The reason for this highly unusual re-sentencing is difficult to comprehend. However, it appears to reflect an inexplicable accommodation by the Court to help Ludwigsen avoid sex offender’s conditions of probation in California, where Ludwigsen wants to return. Indeed, Ludwigsen’s ongoing effort to erase the sexual nature of his crimes was confirmed by his criminal defense attorney’s astonishing assertion in Court today that “this is not a sex offence case.”

This is a sad day for victims of sexual assault. The Court’s lax probationary criminal sentence, and other generous accommodations granted to this admitted sex offender, send an alarming message that sex crimes are not perceived as real crimes. In addition, it was previously reported that Ludwigsen was allegedly investigated for sexual assault on his teenage softball players in Petaluma, California, before he was hired as the softball coach at Nyack College.  Today’s unusual re-sentencing allows Ludwigsen to return to Chico, California, virtually unscathed, and likely undeterred, in his predatory sexual behavior.

Todd J. Krouner represents six victims of Ludwigsen’s sexual assault in a civil lawsuit pending in the federal court New York against Ludwigsen, Nyack College and several of its administrators and employees. For further information, please contact the Law Office of Todd J. Krouner at (914) 238-5800.

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